Tuesday, October 28, 2008

My 1st Collection (In a SmalL & Beauty's City)

On the way Yc n Me JoGginG In Nibong Tebal! On the time, I had captured some beauty views in my city! Hope to learn more about the technic of capture natural things!
There are the 5 photos which is satisfying to me.

Capture for foliage and the background is the sky,.

The theme of this photo is the leaf.
So I focus to the leaf and make it look more distinct than the sky.

This is a leaf from a different plant.

The sun was set....

THe View of Sunset.... when I saw the sunset, I feel so excited.
In my mind, I just think that how I can save the image which is in front of my eyes.
Luckly, the photo which had captured by myself was feeling nice.

My friends who had read my blog, please give me some comment and help me to repair the grammatical error.


Kae Vin said...

hehe. There're errors but you have to read more to get it correct.

*actually it's me lazy to correct them* :P

Daniel nG said...

I know....!
but it is just a feeling, I don't know how to correct!
anywhere... thx frens!